Thursday 1 March 2018

I Wrote A Book!

Now available as both Kindle and Print-On-Demand options from, Patterns of Chaos - The First War is the start of what I hope to be a grand space opera!

Buy it here!

Thursday 17 August 2017

Slight updates

Ok, for anyone curious, I've been trying to fix the awful black highlights that ended up on the text of my earlier posts, and in addition, the Let's Read directory is going to be kept in relatively chronological order of the books in the Star Wars timeline.

Except Death Troopers and Red Harvest, because fuck Joe Schrieber.

Friday 23 September 2016

Holy crap updates!

Yeah, I'm back again. And after going through 3 Jedi Prince books, I think I need another break. But not from this entirely, just that series. Let's switch to something so-bad-it's-good next time.

Friday 18 December 2015

What's that? Am I done a shitload of work and gearing up like fuck for The Force Awakens? You bet I am! And what better way to gear up than to look at the crowning achievement of stupidity in the Expanded Universe, it's time to Let's Read The Jedi Prince Series Part 1: THE GLOVE OF DARTH VADER!

Friday 27 February 2015

On Leonard #Nimoy...

Fans of science fiction around the world are mourning today. Even I, that quitessentially cynical bastard am mourning the passing of one of the greats. I never had the honor of meeting Leonard Nimoy, but I truly wish I had.

I considered trying to put together a list of his best Trek episodes...but realized I couldn't. Because they were all his best. Even Spock's Brain is great in its own batshit way.

Watch them all. Every. Last. One. Then all the movies.

And I think DeForrest Kelly put it best:

"He's not really gone. So long as we remember him."